Thursday, 15 December 2011

friday blues~

today i feel so tired.. i dont know why and where my energy goes.. my mum and aunts also told me that i always look tired when pregnant.. my mum keep reminding me to take vitamin c and protein.. but trust me.. i did! heee

anyway i just spend my whole day reading about labor and delivery experienced. so many stories and indeed it makes me nervous and seriously it always ended up with me burst into tears. rasa syahdu je baca experienced orang beranak nih.. owh my.. now i understand more less what all mums went through. I will share with you guys about my labor and delivery experience nanti kay.. do pray for me yeah .. your doa and pray is the greatest gift of all dear..

yes.. untuk pertama kali mengandung nih.. i do have a lots of questions in my mind.. about breastfeed, laboring process, antenatal class, suggested brand for all the babies item, what is the air selusuh and many2 more.. seriously you have to read a lot of articles about all this thing and ask other people around you. it is totally new and you will only learn it when you walk through this next phase of life. thats why people said experienced it the most valuable knowledge ever.

okay i have to take a deep breath.. i start to feel nervous.. and at the same time i feel so sentimental .. im so lucky to have the best family around me.. and i also feel sangat bahagia and bersyukur dengan my hubby.. you are the best and the greatest sayang..
helping me doing my daily chores, never complaint about my appearance and looks even though i know i am so close to get tittle macam minah indon huhu and taking care of me day night.. Alhamdulillah..

Anyway.. have you watch Ombak Rindu? big compliment to them.. i hardly watch malay movie in cinema because afraid it will disappoint me.. but this movie for me isn't like a typical malay movie. and i sangat impress dengan kemajuan filem malaysia sekarang..great!

p/s: i love this song! enjoy guys~

1 comment:

atikah rosli said...

esma~miss u..nk tgk ur belly..hehe