16 sept...huyooo it is 16 already..tyme flies very fast...today the rain pouring heavily from morning till nyte i am soooo wet.. i have to walk to tuk din's restaurant for working without an umbrella =( too bad..luckily didnt cought a fever...within a weeks to go before raye!!! i hav 3 baju raye to choose for raya celebration hehe one is from my mum..one from my aunt and the last one..is my baju kurung that i wore on my convocation day..Alhamdulillah..a month before im going back to malaysia my rezeki sangat murah!!
1- dapat baju raye
2- i bought a laptop on a very2 affordable price!! very!!!!!
which is never cross in my plan or even my mind to buy a laptop before going back to malaysia..
3- i get my electronic dictionary
4- i passed all my papers on june exams!!!!
actualy banyak lg..but i just cant trigger it from my memories..Alhamdulillah!!! Allah sangat adil..
hmm it will always balance..depending how u interperate the meaning of balance.for me..the best to describe is by malaysian qoutes..hidup umpama roda..skjap kat atas skjap kat bawah.. u win some u lose some..
sometymes i just wish that i can stay in london a bit longer..im so happy with my life now..n feel very hard for me to leave it..with gewd job environment..gewd circle of frenz..gewd place of living n even gewd money..and also gewd acompany..but then i realise..maybe without deciding to leave london i wont get all those opportunity..u will never knows..n for me..i am really2 thankful with whole things that happens to me..thank u God.. and i know..when i arrive at malaysia..different adventure is waiting for me..i have to prepare myself..never look back...
hmm hopes everything will go fine..
selamat hari raye semue!!!
amboi..sronok dia nk balik msia ek...
awk kena ingat...kita kat sini...huhuhu..kdg2 kena pandang blakang jugak...huhuhu...
klo pndng blkg nmpk hantu wuwu
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