Tuesday 9 December 2008

life in uk part 9

hmm aku skrg tgh dok dgr lgu..ntah la tbe2 harinih rase mode blues..without knowing the cause of it..sometymes we push too hard to be somebody..we want to be like this n like that..but fot what? to satisfied diri sendiri ker org lain? its gewd if u know what will happens to you next..Allah create all da things happened sangat cantik with all da reason n dgn cara macam mane that things happened n somehow after all dat things happened, u cry or u laugh..final point..u knew how gewd it is .. how thankful u re..because with it..uve learn something n sometymes mybe its too late for you too realize..
hmm . ‘if only’..i can return back to my past..
if only..i know my future..
hmm sometymes life flattering us a lot n buat kite lupe sape kite…
for this moment..i just hope..i can be somebody..somebody in my point of view..before its too late..
ya Allah..ampukanlah dosa ku..dan seluruh umat manusia..

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