Thursday, 25 December 2008


1-today i cut my finger very badly mase potong mushroom wawawa sakit terhiris=(
boleh bukak tutup lg luke die half of my fingers..the worst ever.. i thought my finger mcm takleh diselamatkan gonna die!! huhu..but Alhamdulillah nampak mcm okey but dunno..still bleeding lg..habis lantai kotor ngn my blood..nak pengsan tgk darah..taknak jd doctor!
2-do u know wut is the meaning of hypertension?.. i dunno as well
but now..i knew wut is hyper tension.. in my hypotesis..hypertension means korang bnyak sngt masalah n only u the one who can solve it..and it comes consecutively without knowing when all this porblem can be sort out n deep inside ur heart there is something u hide n waiting to come out,ur physical energy are very low,u not sleep well
..n u are away from people u love.everything mixed up n just waiting to blow out.
finally when it reach the maximum level...u crying u crying n u crying without no one knows why n u also dunno which problems that makes u cry..n u even cant stop crying n think wise until something or someone hurt u deliberately or not..then u will be ok n conscious n then u can interact with surrounding normally ....dats is hypertension....
3-in my case..
im okey because ive cut my fingers...
but the reason why i cut my fingers..bukan sengaje ek ,terpotong..huhu tak leh bgtau.. rahsie..=) but the gewd things behind it.. now im ok..n i feel release..
the bad things...there is a plenty of way u can choose to settle up that wut i have told u..something or someone hurt u deliberately or not..because it give reflection straight to ur brain to think..but sometymes people takes an easy way..commit suicide ,drugs,drink and any sort of matter which is islam really2 prohibit u to do it....anyway it doesnt worth it at all..not worth to urself,ur mom especially and all people around u...
4-conclusion..the best way to control ur hypertension is by keep on praying to me..God will helps u me..He give me a way to realize it by terpotong jari(might be)
Allah sngt adil..n God only test us with things that we can control n He will not test us something that beyond of our strenght..n it makes our life colourful..reminder for me n all of you.. positive n think my mum said..all people will have problems just that we dunno till what time n day this problem will be resolve n try to be patient n pray to Allah alweys till that day arrive=) Allah bersame org2 yg sabar... terime kasih semue kerane membantu=)

dear God..please forgive me for all my wrongdoing..


majid said...

knape smpi bole terpotong jari ni sayang?=(

i'm worried bout u,since u're always in hypertension mood..luka kat jari tu cuci elok2,dalam tu,bahaya,nnti masuk kuman,makin truk plak nanti..lain kali hati2 ok..d xnak bby jadi mcm ni,tension je slalu..

esmanawal said...

jgn riso kay sakit..siyes sakit wawawa
take care..

david santos said...


"Israel's war in Gaza , 450 killed and 2200 injured ... What's next ?"